Domani Wear's Affiliate Program
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Affiliate Registration

Scroll to the bottom of the page for further details
Must be 6 or more characters and contain at least 1 letter, 1 number and 1 special character (! $ # - .)

You must fill at least one field for website or social site

Fields marked with * are mandatory


* What do we look for?
   Like most affiliate programs, we look for your following count, post frequency, engagement rate, and other factors when determining who to approve for our program. 
    If your accounts have less than 5000 followers, we may overlook the minimum criteria if you have a high engagement rate, high post frequency, and growth potential. 
    You will not be disqualified for content type for we respect all hustles (including adult entertainment)
    However, we have a zero tolerance for hate speech, cyber bullying, or being a general a-hole. More than a clothing brand, we want to make the world a better and more peaceful place and will terminate/ban you from our program if your actions don't align with this vision.

 * Requirements:
    You must be at least 18 year's of age to sign up for the program alone. 
    Minors are allowed to join, but your parent or guardian must sign up for you and receive your pay. 

* Term Details:
    Your initial term will last for 60 days. In this time you will earn $5 for every sale made, and will have a minimum earning of $50 that you will be have to make before you can cash out. (if you are unable to reach the minimum of $50 you will be sent what you have earned at the end of your term)
    The number of sales dictate what bonus you receive. See FAQ for more info on prizes.
    Members with 500 sales in their first term will become priority over other candidates when approving for a second term.