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Terms of Use and Privacy Statement

Terms & Conditions:

-You will be paid 15% of total sales after any discounts used, not including taxes or shipping.  Commissions are approved only after -payment has been confirmed and approved. 
-Any returns or refunds will be deducted from your next sale or held until another sale is made. 
-Either you or we may end this Agreement AT ANY TIME, with or without cause. In addition, this Agreement will terminate immediately and commission will not be paid upon any breach of this agreement by you.

Please read the rest of the terms and conditions in our affiliate details below.

-You will only use the linking code we provide you for each banner, text link, or other affiliate link obtained from the affiliate interface without manipulation.
-We reserve the right, at any time, to review your placement and approve the use of your links and require that you change the placement or use to comply with the guidelines provided to you.
-All domains that use your affiliate link must be listed in your affiliate profile.
-Your website will not in any way copy, resemble, or mirror the look and feel of our website. You will also not use any means to create the impression that your Website is our Website or any part of our Website including, without limitation, framing of our Website in any manner.
-You may not engage in cookie stuffing or include pop-ups, false or misleading links on your website. In addition, wherever possible, you will not attempt to mask the referring url information (i.e. the page from where the click is originating).
-Using redirects to bounce a click off of a domain from which the click did not originate in order to give the appearance that it came from that domain (also known as cloaking) is prohibited. If you are found redirecting links to hide or manipulate their original source, your current and past commissions will be voided or your commission level will be set to 0%. This does not include using "out" redirects from the same domain where the affiliate link is placed.
-The maintenance and updating of your site will be your responsibility. We may monitor your site as we feel necessary to make sure that it is up-to-date and to notify you of any changes that we feel should enhance your performance.
-It is entirely your responsibility to follow all applicable intellectual property and other laws that pertain to your site. You must have express permission to use any person's copyrighted material, whether it be a writing, an image, or any other copyrightable work. We will not be responsible (and you will be solely responsible) if you use another person's copyrighted material or other intellectual property in violation of the law or any third-party rights.
-You will not, in connection with this Agreement, display or reference on your site, any trademark or logo of any third-party seller appearing on our website unless you have an independent license for the display of such trademark or logo; use any data, images, text, or other information obtained by you from us or our website in connection with this agreement only in a lawful manner and only in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
-You acknowledge our ownership of our licensed materials, agree that you will not do anything inconsistent with our ownership and that all of your use of the licensed materials will inure to the benefit of, and on behalf of, the program. You agree that nothing in this agreement gives you any right, title or interest in the licensed materials other than the right to use the licensed materials per this agreement. You also agree that you will not attach your title to the licensed materials or the validity of the licensed materials or this agreement.

Use of any of our trademarked terms as part of the domain or sub-domain for your website is strictly prohibited.


-You must maintain at least 2 active customers within the last 90 days to remain an affiliate at any given time.
-Do not create any Andreas Seed Oil branded material on your own without permission from an Andreas Seed Oils representative.

Your participating website(s) may not:
-Infringe on our or any anyone else's intellectual property, publicity, privacy, or other rights.
-Violate any law, rule, or regulation.
-Contain any content that is threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, harmful to minors, or contains nudity, pornography or sexually explicit materials.
-Contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, data, or personal information.
-Contain software or use technology that attempts to intercept, divert, or redirect Internet traffic to or from any other website, or that potentially enables the diversion of affiliate commissions from another website. This includes toolbars, browser plug-ins, extensions, and add-ons.

-You may ONLY advertise coupon codes that are provided to you directly through the affiliate program.
-You may NOT use any technology that covers up the coupon code and generates the affiliate click by revealing the code(s).
-You may NOT advertise coupon codes obtained from our non-affiliate advertising, customer e-mails, paid search, or any other campaigns.
-Affiliates whose primary business is posting coupons, who are viewed by the program as being a coupon site, and/or who are tagged as a coupon affiliate in our system, may not be paid commissions for sales generated without a corresponding valid coupon code. Valid codes are defined as unique codes that are made available to the affiliate directly from our affiliate manager.

You shall not create, publish, distribute, or print any written material that refers to our Program without first submitting that material to us and receiving our prior written consent. If you intend to promote our Program via e-mail campaigns, you must adhere to the following:
-Abide by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-187) with respect to our Program.
-E-mail must be sent on your behalf and must not imply that the e-mail is being sent on behalf of us.
-E-mails must first be submitted to us for approval before being sent or we must be sent a copy of the e-mail.

Promotion on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms is permitted following these general guidelines:
-You're welcome to use your affiliate links on your own Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages. 
-You ARE PROHIBITED from posting your affiliate links on our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. accounts or company pages in an attempt to turn those links into affiliate sales.
-You ARE PROHIBITED from running Facebook ads with our trademarked company name.
-You ARE PROHIBITED from creating a social media account that includes our trademark/s in the page name and/or username.

Customers who buy products through this program are our customers. All of our standard policies and operating procedures will apply to these customers. We may change our policies and operating procedures at any time. Product prices and availability may vary from time to time.

We may modify any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement at any time at our sole discretion and without notice. Modifications may include but are not limited to, changes in the payment procedures and the program rules. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only option is to end this agreement. Your continued participation in the program will indicate your agreement to the changes.

You agree that you are an independent contractor, and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between you and us. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf. You will not make any statement, whether on your site or any other site or otherwise, that reasonably would contradict anything in this section.

These guidelines and restrictions are subject to change at any time without notice.

By clicking submit, you are agreeing to all terms and conditions.

If anything is in question, please email

Let's go change the world!


Andreas Seed Oils 

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