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يجب عليك ملء حقل واحد على الأقل لموقع الويب أو الموقع الاجتماعي

الحقول التي تحمل علامة * هي إلزامية


Welcome to the Loyal to Ash affiliate program managed by Puff Sip Chat.  Thanks for taking this journey with us to build a larger platform for the cigar culture and especially for the boutique Black and Women owned brands out there.  As we all know, having a great product is not enough if no one knows about it.  We feel that  Puff Sip Chat is not in competition with cigar lounges, other cigar groups etc..  we are looking to be an extension to those that just love cigars, and those that wish to get involved in the culture.  The Loyal To Ash name was derived from cigar smokers that are not loyal to any specific brand of cigar, they just love cigars and enjoy the journey of finding the next best one!   With the Loyal to Ash subscription, your referrals will be sent a box of 4-5 premium hand rolled cigars that are selected by us, a nicely produced write up card to describe each cigar, as well as one black /women owned brand being featured each month.  

The boxes are a sturdy white box, fully labeled, with the cigars packed and sealed in a plastic cigar bag with a Boveda humidity pack to ensure freshness.    Although we want to be extremely successful we know that service is the key, and making sure we are doing that is extremely important to us and we want our affiliates to feel secure about referring the plan.  

For each subscriber you are credited with signing up, you will receive a flat payment of $20. 

We would like to thank you in advance for joining our team, and hope to grow this platform to extreme heights over time, but we realize it can not be done without you and your belief in the product, and more importantly the PURPOSE!   

Here's to success and growth, and stay LOYAL TO ASH!!!