Development Update – Summer 2024

Greetings to our highly appreciated community!

As always, we are exhaustively working to make the best tool for you and continue being an incredible ally to grow your business. Here are the highlights of the results we bring you from our development in this summer:



1. Quick search bar

This is a very important feature to enhance your experience and use our service easily. We all know that everything has pros and cons, in our case, we strongly believe that one of the best ways to offer you value is to include all of our features in every plan. However, this curiously means a con for some users that may feel there are a lot of settings to look at.

We work hard in our user experience to not allow this dangerous illusion to make you think that you’d do better by going to another service to pay more for much less features. (Spoiler alert: it’s not a good idea. Spending more for less won’t help your business to grow and you’ll miss features!)

For these reasons, we implemented this quick bar that it will not only allow you to find the setting you’re looking for without having to browse within our system but it will also receive quick commands to directly jump into specific information of your program!

As soon as you click on the search bar it will invite you to use the commands to quickly jump into specific information of affiliates, orders or a settings page within the admin dashboard.
search bar default


Here’s an example of a specific order. We were looking for the order “111” so we had “order: 111” and clicked on the result found.
search bar order details


When clicking on it, it will instantly show the popup with the order details:
order details


In case you’re looking for one specific setting but you can’t remember where it’s located among our many features within our dashboard, you can just look for keywords. Let’s say we want to go to the popular “Discount is limited to one time per customer”, we add “discount” to the search bar and look for it in the search results list.
It will be displayed among the list and will also show that it belongs to the “Coupon Tracking” settings page.

search bar keyword


Just click on it and boom! You’re already there! No navigation, no memorizing, no map required!
discount limited to one time per customer

2. Design V2 improvements

Back when we announced our new style, we did tell you that with the version 2 of our design we were just getting started and we stand by our word. Here are more improvements for you:

  • Now you can change the background and text color of left banner for login/sign up pages


  • Look & feel option > Custom affiliate’s login form title . Ability to change the title of the left banner on the login page



  • Staff pages UI redesign: the buttons are changed and now there is a button for quick access to the logs for certain staff account (top right)


staff account log button


    • Button for sending a test notification email for new referred order
      This can be found under Settings -> Email notifications -> New referred order
      But remember! You now have the quick search bar to go quick and easy:
      new referred order notification from searchbar


      Here’s where it’s located if you navigate there manually:
      new referred order notification
      Within the setup page you’ll find the options for the test email and after you’re settled with the test email’s content you can click on “Send test email
      send test email
      A confirmation popup will appear after the test email is sent.
      test email sent


  • Added date from/to fields in the Two tier tab in the affiliate’s details window. Now the admins can check the two tier data for certain periods
    two tier from and to fields



3. Web pixel changes for Shopify

In case you didn’t know about Shopify’s pixel, this is how they described it:

Apps that integrate with Shopify’s web pixel APIs help you tap into customer behavior data from across your marketing stack—without you needing to write a single line of code. Information about your customers is collected securely and helps you make data-informed marketing decisions to improve customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (LTV).

The Web pixel is the new way that Affiliatly tracks referred by link purchases in Shopify. Its a piece of code, which is triggered on the “Thank you” page in the Shopify store. Shopify has introduced this for Plus membership stores in November 2023 and now they are slowly transitioning all plan stores so we got everything ready for the moment your store receives that update.

Along with the announcement of this update we’d like to confirm that you don’t have anything to worry about: nothing is changed in the functionality of our app and the data gathered.
create web pixel


4. Partial refund support for WooCommerce integrations

This feature is still in beta phase at the moment, the version 3.1.0 of our plugin will include the partial refund functionality for our WordPress users so we kindly invite you to update your plugin to enjoy it.

The new version of the plugin is already available for you at the Integration tab of your Affiliatly admin dashboard.
integrate with woocommerce
And in case you’re wondering: updating the plugin will not affect the current affiliate program settings.
Nothing will change. You only need to upload the new plugin version to your WordPress install and then in your WordPress admin panel make sure that the plugin’s integration settings are OK (you can find them in page Affiliatly Integration in your WordPress panel > Left sidebar > Plugins > Affiliatly Integration ).

Just in case, here are the official reference video and article that show how to install the plugin to integrate with WooCommerce.


5. Admins can forbid the affiliates to change their payment method

In the case you’d prefer to be the only one that manages the payment information of your affiliates for organizational or even security reasons we have added this checkbox for you. Once you enable it, only the administrator of the program can change/update this information of the affiliates.

You will find this option under Settings -> Payment -> Affiliates can not change their payment method

Or…Yes! You can just use the new search bar and click on the option to jump directly there:


affiliates cannot change payment method via searchbar


Both ways, either by navigating to the route we gave you or by using the quick search bar you will see the setting here:
affiliates cannot change their payment method


If you are enjoying these updates and find them helpful please let us know. We’ll be happy to hear about your satisfaction and any other awesome idea to make you feel more and more comfortable to enjoy our system.

And never forget: if in any case you need help with Affiliatly our wonderful support team is waiting to read your message.

Thank you!

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